Wine and olive oil


The proximity to numerous vineyards and having our "own" olive mill in the village gives a little extra!

Just at the entrance to the village lies Moulin de Callas. Moulin de Callas squeezes its own olives but also the harvests of the surrounding area's private growers. The most common olive, Ribier, gives a very tasty oil and in the store you can also test the other varieties found in the immediate area. The store has lots of other nice products that can be purchased.

Nearest winery, Bastide du Plan, is just outside the village. The winery has a nice reception where you can try their different wines, their Rosé is our favorite. Along the way down to Le Muy there is a large variety of wineries with lovely wines and visitor opportunities. From the luxurious Chateau d'Esclans with the famous and expensive rosé wine, Garrus. To the slightly smaller and simpler Jas D'Esclans. A little further away at Roquebrune-Sur-Argent you will find the excellent Palayson. Their red Cuvée Christine is really lovely! Spending an afternoon at the beginning of your stay visiting some of the farms and then "bunkering up" is an obvious recommendation!